
scams and fishing

we aur lirning haw to avoyd scams and fishy emails when on the intirnet. we ansir sam cwesh jins
We are learning what to do when we recieve an email or comment that we rot ho we trast at school and hom and tikt sam boksis
We are learning how to effectively comment and communicate within our google docs. Make a copy of the google doc take screenshots of your comments for each area Share th e screenshots on your blog . Make sure you have completed each area . Remember to use an appropriate title, WALT and labels  

kandinfky art

 we have been looking at kandinsky art with mrs ball. kandinsky uses circles, lines and colour to create his artwork. we created our own versions using technology. we using google draw, the shap and line tool. 

googil meet

quality blog commennts

we are learning to share comments that are positive, thoughtful and helpful today i lirnt to cek coments